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Deer Ridge Golf Club extends a warm welcome to our members’ guests. Whether you’re coming to play golf, dine with family or friends, or attend a business meeting, we hope that your visit with us is memorable.

Guest Information


200 Deer Ridge Drive,
Kitchener, ON, N2P 2K5
(519) 650-2477

See the Contact page for a Google Map for additional directions.

Upon your Arrival

Please drop off your clubs at the bag drop, located to your immediate left when driving through the entrance.

After parking, please proceed to the Professional Shop to sign in and let the staff know you have arrived. Staff will direct you to the locker room, where Guest lockers are available. Outside the locker room you will find the cart staging area where your bag will be set up.

Our outside service staff will help direct you to your host member, and the practice facility to warm up.

Dress Code – Golf Course and Practice Areas

Appropriate golf attire is always required for both adults and children.

Golf shirts must have a collar, mock neck, or turtleneck. Sleeveless tops are permitted for ladies provided they have a collar, conversely, any top worn without a collar must have sleeves. Leggings, tights and/or spandex shorts are permitted as a layer under shorts, skirts, skorts or golf dresses.

T-shirts, tank tops, cut-off shorts and denim shorts/pants are NOT permitted, nor are shorts or pants with expandable pockets (cargo shorts/pants).

Golf caps must be worn in the correct way (bill/brim forward). 

Dress Code – Clubhouse

In the Clubhouse, appropriate attire is always appreciated for both adults and children.

All golf attire (as described above) is acceptable. Denim/jeans in good repair and tastefully tailored, as well as T-shirts are permitted.

Sportswear (gym shorts/sweatpants) are NOT permitted.

On the Course

Deer Ridge prides itself in an excellent pace of play which should not exceed four hours.

A fully stocked Halfway House Area and Restrooms are located on the course after holes #3, #9 and #12.

Water filling stations are located at the bag storage area, at the halfway house and to the left of #5 green at the maintenance facility.

There are also washrooms available at the maintenance facility left of #5 green.

Cart Rules:

Please utilize the designated fairway entry and exit posts. As much as possible, please drive your carts in the fairways rather than the rough areas. Carts must remain on the path on all par 3 holes.

Please replace all divots preferably with the divot itself or with the sand and seed mixture. The divot mix provided is to be used only on the tees and fairway (not in the rough).

Please fix all pitch marks on the greens.

Cell Phones and Speakers

Cell phones, handheld devices, and wireless speakers should never impact the enjoyment of other Members and Guests at the Club.


Deer Ridge is a non-tipping environment for our golf services staff.

Smoking Policy

Pursuant to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act smoking is not permitted in the clubhouse, patios or within 9 meters of these patio areas.

Please be courteous with your cigarette/cigar butts and pouches. Remember, cigarette butts and pouches are not biodegradable and blemish the landscape.

Site designed by Matchplay Golf Marketing.